Whether you are just starting out with your first business or you are expanding your current operations, one of the most critical aspects and decisions is taking the time to find office space that facilitates the needs of your company’s operations. If you are just beginning your company operations, finding the right space to lease or rent is just as critical as moving your current business.
Existing businesses typically find office space for a variety of reasons such as downsizing, expanding, relocating to a new area, or just because the owner feels it is time for a change of scenery. There is so much to consider, especially if this is your first endeavor. However, one way or the other, you will have a lot to think about before making your decision. In any event, you will definitely want to find the right commercial real estate agent or leasing agent to help you during this process.
5 tips to helping you find office space
If you have decided that it is time to find office space instead of purchasing property for your business for any of the reasons listed above, here are some suggestions that should make the decision-making process considerably easier. Hopefully, you will not encounter any frustrations during that time by following these tips.
Contacting the right commercial real estate agent is critical – before you do anything else, find a real estate or leasing agent that is experienced at helping businesses find office space that facilitates the needs of their business operations. Leasing business property is an extensive as well as a difficult process and finding a knowledgeable commercial agent is critical so that your needs are met.
Some office space may require improvements to the property – whenever you are negotiating with your agent on a certain property, you want to take any changes or renovations that may be necessary into consideration. Find out if there are going to be restrictions on what you can do in the way of improvements as this can negatively or positively impact future business operations. The necessity of improvements or your need to do renovations may impact the lease so it is critical that you discuss this with the property landlord and your agent.
Cut your costs by leasing executive office space – you should inquire with your commercial real estate agent as to the benefits of leasing or renting executive properties when you are trying to find office space. Many of these have amenities including in their leases or rental agreements such as conference rooms, internet connectivity, office furniture, and much more.
You might want to consider a partner or someone to share the office space with – many businesses have opted to finding a partner or sharing their properties with another business when they attempt to find office space. Granted, this is a great way to lower your overhead but you want to be aware of the fact that there are disadvantages to doing this. It is the ideal way to cut your costs on leasing or renting the property as well as office furniture and equipment.
Review the lease thoroughly before signing it – this is obvious a common sense move but the way in which your review your lease or rental agreement is critical. If there are clauses or terms that you do not understand, now is the time to ask about them. Once you are satisfied, sign your agreement.
Let our company help you
We want you to find office space as effortlessly as possible and 777 Properties, Inc. has years of experience helping clients do exactly that. If we can assist you and find office space in Coral Springs, Central or West Broward County, Fort Lauderdale, or Margate, visit our contact page on our website.